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Admitted Students



被大学录取是令人兴奋的,但我们知道它也可能引起焦虑. 决定未来四年你想在哪里学习和社交可能是一项艰巨的任务. It's all about figuring out what college will be your place and your community while also deciding who you want to be in the future.

既然你被正规博彩十大网站排名录取了,我们的工作就是帮助你 see yourself as a Scottie. There's no place like home...especially when that home is Agnes Scott.


portrait of student holding books

A Community to Thrive

Gor'Nese '25 from Leavenworth, KS

"At first, 我不确定自己是否能适应一所包容的女子学院,也不确定艾格尼丝·斯科特离我家有多远. 当我参观校园时,我能够真正地看到这个社区. 每个人看起来都很舒服,他们都在做自己. After that, I knew this was the place for me."


由于FAFSA的延迟和财政援助程序被推迟, 从2024年秋季开始的新生的入学押金截止日期已延长至 5月15日.


So what's next?

你是如何从申请大学到决定入读哪所大学的? What are your next 步骤? We've got your back!

Let's break it down into 五个 步骤. Five isn't so bad, right? From now until 5月15日, 2024你决定成为斯科特的计划是:

  1. 访问 Agnes Scott (for the first time or again)
  2. Make Your Financial Plan (including submitting the FAFSA)
  3. Meet Your Future Community (这是其他被录取的斯科特和现在的艾格尼丝·斯科特社区)
  4. Get All Your Questions Answered
  5. Officially Enroll to Be A Scottie
Photo of campus in fall

The Main Quad & Buttrick Hall in fall.

Students holding up black ring


Students in a classroom

Students in a chemistry classroom. Agnes Scott's student to faculty ratio is 11:1.

Group photo of students in Peru

所有的一年级学生都会在第一年的春季参加环球旅行, like this one to Peru.

Students sitting in a residence hall

Agnes Scott centers the residential experience; you'll get to 知道 your classmates in the residence halls.

Flowers on campus beside Agnes Scott sign


Athletes in huddle

艾格尼丝·斯科特有六个三级竞技项目:篮球, cross country, 足球, softball, 网球 & volleyball.

Students during a dance performance


Student is capped during senior investiture


Your Next Steps on Your Scottie Journey

1. 访问 Agnes Scott (for the first time or again)

如果你还没有,或者即使你有,确保你 visit our campus! 我们有许多选择,可以帮助您最好地回答您的问题, 包括为那些目前无法前往亚特兰大的人提供虚拟机会. We also have three different Admitted Scottie Day 为被录取的学生提供特别活动的机会.



2. Make Your Financial Plan (including submitting a FAFSA)

100 percent 的苏格兰人获得某种形式的基于需求的经济援助. For 2024, U.S. 新闻 & World Report named us a 在全国文理学院社会流动性排名中名列前茅, 也就是说我们会保证你从A点到达B点, no matter your financial situation. Learn about your eligibility for aid at Agnes Scott.

In addition, complete your FAFSA (once it opens in December!),申请联邦学生资助,使用艾格尼丝·斯科特的学校代码001542. We recommend submitting the FAFSA as soon as you can after it opens; however, our priority deadline for filing is February 1.


更新: Because of delays with the FAFSA, 我们理解,学生将没有相同的时间来审查他们的经济援助报价. You can read more about the delays here. 为了让学生有更多的时间开始考虑总财务成本,并在入学前制定计划, we have launched a Financial 援助 Estimator. Responses will come out within about ten days.

Fill Out Financial 援助 Estimator


3. Meet Your Future Community (这是其他被录取的斯科特和现在的艾格尼丝·斯科特社区)

参观校园的一部分是与我们的社区联系, and you’ll be able to do that virtually as well. 从1月初开始(或在你收到录取决定后的几周), 您将通过电子邮件收到特别邀请,加入 Class of 2028 Discord 通道, 在那里你可以和其他现在和未来的斯科特聊天,了解你未来的室友, classmates and friends. Make sure to check your email to find it!

同时, coming soon每年艾格尼丝·斯科特招生举办许多虚拟的机会,以满足您未来的同学和教师除了录取斯科特日活动. 关注访问页面,寻找这些机会.



4. Get All Your Questions Answered

当你回想起你的大学经历时,我们 知道 that questions are constantly popping up for you. 我们想确保你知道作为一个斯科蒂人你需要知道的一切. Do you need information on: Academic programs? Internships and Careers? Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice? Our Campus Location? How We Rank? Residence Life? 餐厅? Student Organizations? Health and Counseling? General student experience? 我们想确保我们能给你这些答案!

虽然你可以在我们的网站和其他资源中找到很多, 如果你有特别的问题需要回答, we want to 知道. Sign up for a chat with your admission counselor 讨论你可能有的任何问题!



5. Enroll to be a Scottie

如果你已经看到了你该看到的一切,知道了你该知道的一切——剩下的就是 make your enrollment deposit and save your spot in the Class of 2028 today! 当新学期开始时,你就会准备好加入你的同学,在你成为全球社会有效变革推动者的旅程中又向前迈进了一步.




portrait of a student with backpack on shoulder

An Experience that has Broadened My Horizons

Mya '22, Psychology major

"The resources available to me at Agnes Scott, on and off campus, have led to, among other things, 获得荣誉法庭2022级代表的职位以及与专业相对应的实习机会. 这些成就开阔了我的视野, provided me greater self-confidence, and renewed my trust in my ability to lead."

Pay your Enrollment Deposit

Schedule a 访问

Meet your Admission Counselor

Login to Your Admitted Student Portal

Upload materials, pay your enrollment deposit, check your status, communicate with your counselor and more!


The Value of Agnes Scott: An In-Depth Guide

More on Financial 援助

Parent/Guardian Question Submission

Admitted Students & 家庭

student standing behind Scottie pride yard sign

Show Your Scottie Pride!


group of students petting support dogs on campus

Dig Deeper into Campus Life

熟悉作为一名苏格兰人的生活——无论是在校内还是校外! Learn what your housing options might be, 找到你可能想加入的学生组织,熟悉我们为学生提供的资源/支持类型.

overhead shot of campus

Learn 关于 Scottie Life

On the undergraduate admission blog, 阅读关注学术项目的博客文章, 学生对校园的看法,以及下一步的建议和技巧.

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